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Terms of Service

Terms of Service - Free Basic Account


​​“Affiliate(s)” in relation to a Party shall be defined as a professional entity, which is directly or indirectly controlled by that Party, controls that Party, or is under common control with that Party, whereby “controlled”, “controls” or “control” means ownership or control, directly or indirectly, of more than 50% of the shares or voting interests of the subject entity or otherwise having the power to direct its activities.

Confidential Information” means any non-public, confidential or proprietary information, disclosed directly or indirectly by one Party (“Disclosing Party”) or the Disclosing Party’s Affiliates – about the Disclosing Party and/or its Affiliates – to the other Party (“Receiving Party”) or the Receiving Party’s Affiliates in the course of their contractual relationship and whether in writing, verbally or by any other means, and whether or not marked as “confidential”, “secret”, “non-public”, “proprietary” or other similar language. Confidential Information may include, but is not limited to, scientific, technical, marketing, business, financial, operational, administrative and economic information related to present and future products, services, business plans, experience, documents or data related to the manufacturing products, plans, processes, projects, systems, schemes, drawings, costs, equipment, materials, samples, technology, packaging as well as visual information.

Customer” means any professional entity that entered into a contract with Prewave for the purchase of services. A Customer is entitled to be provided with the scope of services defined in the contract governing the relationship between Prewave and said Customer.

DaaS” or “Prewave API” means the Data-as-a-Service offered by Prewave by granting access to a User or Customer to its API product.

Data Protection Agreement” or “DPA” means the data processing agreement governing the relation between Prewave acting as data processor and the User acting as data controller within the meaning of the GDPR when applicable, incorporated in these Terms of Service by reference: Link to DPA.

Free Basic Account” or as otherwise referred to on the Prewave Platform or Prewave’s website, means an account Prewave provides to professional entities as Users for (i) testing the Prewave Platform, (ii) in course of a Proof of Concept, (iii) in order to contribute to a Site/Sites of the User with supplementary information; and/or (iv) for responding to Information Requests sent to the professional entity (User).

GDPR” or “EU Data Protection Laws” means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation), including laws implementing or supplementing the GDPR.

Information Request” means the inquiry addressed to a User through the Prewave Platform, in particular to gain information on a Prewave Alert concerning the User or to receive a Supplier Self Assessment.

Prewave Alerts” means the data signals about potential past, present or future risk events, classified in different categories (labor unrest, industrial accidents, etc.) and occurring at certain Sites.

Prewave Score” means the numeric score on the Prewave Platform that gives a detailed overview of a Site’s risk profile, based on historical and live Prewave data, external data sources, Supplier Self Assessments, peer group benchmarks, and other factors. The score is calculated by weighting different factors and can be displayed in separate views based on the underlying data categories. The Prewave Score forms part of the Prewave Site Directory.

Prewave Site Directory” means the database/compilation of all the Sites on the Prewave Platform that is continuously maintained and augmented. The Prewave Site Directory is the property of Prewave. § 4 (3) applies.

SaaS” or “Prewave Platform” means the Software-as-a-Service offered by Prewave by granting access to a User or Customer to its platform.

Services” or “Prewave Services” means the products of Prewave a User can use by concluding this Contract, namely DaaS, SaaS and the conduction of/response to Information Requests, as applicable.

Site” means a physical location where members of an organization conduct their main operational activities, which is displayed as such on the Prewave Platform. Sites may include (manufacturing) plants, distribution centers, retail stores, transportation hubs, warehouses and offices, where business operations, production or services are carried out.

Supplier Self Assessment” means the assessment a professional entity conducts as User or Customer by answering questions on how it approaches or complies with matters in different fields, as for example human rights, safety and environment.

User” means any professional entity entering into a contract with Prewave by accepting the present Terms of Service and using the Services proactively or upon request of a Customer. For the avoidance of doubt, it is specified that individuals not acting for professional purposes and/or consumers cannot be Users.

§ 1: Applicability of the Terms of Service

  1. These Terms of Service shall apply to all business relations between Prewave GmbH (referred to as “Prewave”), and Users who are not Customers of Prewave (Prewave and User collectively referred to as the “Parties”, or individually the “Party”) regarding the provision of access to the Services by Prewave. The Prewave Services are intended specifically for professional use, excluding individuals not using the Services for professional purposes and/or acting as consumers.


  1. Alternative, contrary, or supplementary terms and conditions of the User (irrespective of form) shall only become applicable to the contractual relationship between Prewave and the User if and to the extent that Prewave expressly consents to their application in writing.


  1. Prewave offers a Free Basic Account, which allows Users to access its shared and cloud-hosted Saas and/or its Prewave API (i) in order to test the Prewave Platform, (ii) in course of a Proof of Concept, (iii) in order to contribute to a Site/Sites of the User with supplementary information; and/or (iv) in order to answer Information Requests sent to a User through the Prewave Platform.


  1. A contract for the use of the Prewave Services with a Free Basic Account (referred to as the “Contract”) between Prewave and the respective User, to which these Terms of Service apply, is concluded and becomes binding and effective on the User upon the earliest of: (i) when the User accesses or uses (through an individual acting on behalf of the User) the Free Basic Account, or (ii) when an individual acting on behalf of the User clicks an “I Accept”, “Sign Up”, “Get Started” or similar button or checkbox referencing this Contract (referred to as the “Effective Date”). The individual accepting these Terms of Service is accepting them on behalf of the User and hereby warrants that it has the authority to bind the User to the extent of this Contract.


  1. A contract for use concluded by Prewave and a User does not to any extent form an obligation of Prewave to also conclude a contract with a User to become a Customer.

§ 2: Services by Prewave

  1. For the Free Basic Account, either (i) the individual acting on behalf of the User shall create the login credentials allocated exclusively to this individual, or (ii) the User shall receive login credentials for each individual using the Prewave Platform on behalf of the User. Each login credential is issued to one single authorized person and shall not be used by any other persons or shared among a group of persons. The User shall only disclose the respective login credentials to authorized persons on a need-to-know basis (e.g. own employees) but shall otherwise keep it strictly confidential and refrain from disclosing the same to any third party. The User shall immediately notify Prewave of any unauthorized use of personal login credentials and/or unauthorized use of the Prewave Platform. In the absence of any such notification, all information received by Prewave from someone using the login credentials of the User will be considered as having been sent by the User.


  1. In case of access via the Prewave API, the User is responsible for establishing a data connection between the intended workplace/system and the Prewave API at its own cost and expense. Prewave is entitled to redefine its API at any time if this is required to provide smooth access to the Services. In this event, the User shall establish a new connection with the redefined API. The User shall receive an access token to the API, which shall only be disclosed to authorized persons on a need-to-know basis (e.g. own employees), but shall otherwise keep it strictly confidential and refrain from disclosing the same to any third party. The User’s access to the Prewave API or Platform shall be subject to fair use. In case the User’s access to the Prewave API leads to an overload, Prewave reserves the right to technically restrict or suspend the User’s access to its API on a temporary or permanent basis. The User is not entitled to any claims against Prewave on the basis of such measures.


  1. An Information Request is sent out by email solely upon request of a User or Customer and is only facilitated by Prewave. A User or the Customer initiates the sending of the email and determines the contact and email address, to which the request is addressed. A User can respond to an Information Request through the Prewave Platform. When responding to an Information Request, the User is solely responsible for the information, documents and data provided by the individual(s) acting on the User’s behalf. Prewave only facilitates the conduction of Information Requests therefore the initiating User shall indemnify Prewave against all related claims, in particular those arising from unsolicited communication and data protection law.


  1. The User declares by the individuals acting on behalf of it, to answer all Information Requests carefully and to the best of its knowledge and assures not to give false information when answering. The User agrees not to (i) interfere with or attempt to interfere with the functioning of the Prewave Services, (ii) transmit to Prewave, its Customers or by using the Prewave API or Platform anything that contains malware, or any harmful files, or (iii) perform any tests that may harm or impair the functioning of the Prewave Services.


  1. If Prewave determines that the User or an Affiliate, as applicable, are not in compliance with these Terms of Service, the User shall immediately remedy such non-compliance, failure to do so can result, inter alia, in the immediate termination of the contractual relationship for cause and claims in damages.


  1. Prewave itself is wholly reliant on data from third parties to provide its Services. Prewave therefore must reserve the right to limit or discontinue its Services in case the provision of data from its sources is interrupted or limited for any reason. Such measures shall not constitute a breach or non-performance of the contractual relationship on part of Prewave.


  1. Prewave is not limited in the selection of third parties to be used as a source for the creation of Prewave Alerts and/or other datapoints, nor in the engagement of additional third parties to expand and continuously improve its Services. Prewave has the right to use subcontractors at any time to provide the Services.


  1. Prewave Alerts and other datapoints may contain snippets, such as links, texts or pictures/photographs, that might be subject to protection under intellectual property laws (in particular, copyright) for the benefit of third parties. The Services provided by Prewave consist of the aggregation and the analysis of external data sources and explicitly not in the sale of licenses in the original data. Prewave is permitted to include such material in the Prewave Alerts and/or on the Prewave Platform, however, the User acknowledges, that Prewave is not permitted to grant any licenses for redistribution, storage, reproduction, delivery to any third parties (including customers), or further publication of the delivered links, pictures/photographs, texts or snippets and the like contained in Prewave Alerts and other datapoints. Therefore, the User is obliged to verify whether it needs further licenses for extended use (outside of the Prewave Platform) and to acquire such licenses directly from the right-holder, if deemed necessary. The User will indemnify and hold Prewave harmless in respect of any claim in connection therewith. 


  1. In the event that a holder of a right directly requires Prewave to alter any Prewave Alerts or datapoints or implement any changes in the structure or data format, Prewave is free to implement such changes or remove such materials from all results lists (“notice and take-down”). The User is not entitled to any claims against Prewave on the basis of such measures.


  1. Prewave shall have the right to modify or adapt the Services if this is necessary or expedient to reflect technical progress.

§ 3: Fees

  1. The Free Basic Account is offered by Prewave free of charge, unless otherwise agreed upon.

§ 4: Rights of use

  1. Prewave grants the User a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-licensable right to use the provided Services, which shall be limited in the following ways:

a. temporally limited to the duration of this Contract;

b. substantively limited to a number of Sites as selected by Prewave;

c. substantively limited to specific functionalities, modules and/or features as selected by Prewave;

d. limited to the professional entity registering for a Free Basic Account, and if applicable, its Affiliates;

e. limited to the browser application of the Prewave Platform and/or the Prewave API; and

f. substantively limited to the purpose of this contractual relationship.

  1. Any additional uses beyond the aforementioned limitations shall not be permitted without the prior written consent of Prewave (which Prewave is free to withhold), in particular:

a. any change, adaptation and/or publication or disclosure of information on the Prewave Platform, Prewave Alerts or other datapoints, in whole or in part, to any third party;

b. the disclosure of performance metrics and benchmarking results regarding any information on the Prewave Platform, Prewave Alerts or other datapoints to any third party.

  1. The Services contain elements and content which do or may enjoy protection (pursuant to e.g. copyright and allied copyright law, trademark law, patent / utility model law, design law, competition Law or other laws) for the benefit of Prewave, cooperation partners of Prewave or third party data providers. Prewave, its cooperation partners and third party data providers expressly reserve(s) any and all rights in and to the same. Any use of these elements and content (or parts thereof), extending beyond what is necessary for using the Services by the User under normal circumstances, is inadmissible without the prior written consent of Prewave. This applies in particular, but without limitation, to the software, names, characters, trademarks and other marks/signs, content, layout, design and interface of the website of Prewave, databases, questionnaires, methodologies, videos, photographs, texts and graphics.

  1. If the User violates the rights of use granted herein, Prewave shall have the right to terminate this Contract immediately for cause. In addition, Prewave reserves the right to take judicial and non-judicial action for damages incurred by any violation of the rights of use granted herein.

  1. The User grants Prewave and its Affiliates the non-exclusive and royalty-free right, on a worldwide basis, to access, process and use the information, documents and data the User will provide, directly or indirectly, in the course of or in connection with the use of the Prewave Services, including for the purpose of assessments, risk calculations, to develop the Prewave Site Directory, and to use said information, documents and data to deliver services offered by Prewave. For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that the relationship between the User and any other Site, including any User specific information regarding the Site is confidential and is not to be disclosed or displayed in a way that would allow direct recourse to the User. The User warrants and represents that it has all the rights and authorizations that are necessary to use and allow the usage of the information, documents and data provided (especially with regards to contained personal data or third party confidential data), including for reproduction and publication if applicable, and that it can freely grant the above license rights. The User shall ensure that all information, documents and data communicated to Prewave, to Prewave’s Customers or by using the Prewave Platform are accurate, correct, complete, and secure and ensures not to provide any unlawful, harmful, misleading, defamatory or competitively sensitive information, documents and data. The individual acting on behalf of the User warrants and represents that it has all the rights and authorizations that are necessary to enter into this Contract and to grant the above licenses and warranties on behalf of the User. The User shall indemnify and hold Prewave harmless for any claims in connection with the above.

§ 5: Liability and Warranty

  1. This Contract does not establish rights of any kind in favor of the User, end-customers of the User, or third parties. If such persons raise claims against Prewave in connection with the Services pursuant to the contractual relationship between Prewave and the User, on whatever legal ground, the User shall indemnify Prewave and hold it harmless against such claims.

  1. Prewave provides its Services based on automated processing of external third party data sources, the quality and validity of which are outside of Prewave’s control. In addition, the algorithms and prediction models Prewave uses to generate Prewave Alerts and other datapoints are non-deterministic and probabilistic by design. For these reasons, deviations from actual events cannot be avoided. 

  1. Accordingly, Prewave makes no warranty, accepts no responsibility and assumes no liability for (i) a particular characteristic, suitability, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the Services, (ii) incomplete, incorrect, outdated or erroneous data being the basis of or incorporated into Prewave Alerts or any datapoints, (iii) the validity, completeness or accuracy of Prewave Alerts and other datapoints, (iv) uninterrupted or error-free availability and accessibility of Prewave Alerts or the Services, (v) transmission-, hardware-, software- or network-errors, (vi) lost, damaged, incomplete, corrupted or delayed transmission of data, (vii) disruptions, impairments of the data transmission between third party sources and Prewave or Prewave and the User or any technical difficulties or maintenance, (viii) the lawfulness or the freedom of the data or Prewave Alerts from third-party-rights, (ix) the secure / risk-free access or retrieval of the website any link contained in the Prewave Alerts or other datapoints is leading to.

  1. In general, the User recognizes the uncertainties inherent in any analysis or information that may be provided as part of the Services and acknowledges that the Services are not a substitute for its own independent evaluation and analysis and should not be considered as professional advisory services or recommendations to pursue a specific course of action. Prewave shall not be liable for any actions or decisions that the User may or may not take based on the Services or any information or data contained therein. Prewave does not warrant or accept any liability for the completeness or accuracy of the checklists and questionnaires provided on or as part of the Services. The User understands that it assumes the entire risk with respect to the use of the Services.

  1. Prewave shall not be liable for losses caused by slightly negligent behavior or any other losses, unless liability cannot be validly excluded according to mandatory law.

  1. If and to the extent legally permissible, Prewave shall not be liable for (direct or indirect) consequential damages, loss of data, savings not realized, lost interest and expenditures made in vain and lost profit.

  1. To the extent that User’s Affiliates are beneficiaries of the rights of use under this Contract, the User shall be responsible for its Affiliates’ compliance with the Terms of Service.

  1. The User shall give Prewave prompt notice of any disruption or defect of the provided Services in writing or by email. Prewave will at its best effort remedy the notified defects within a reasonable period of time. Neither the User nor a third-party commissioned by the User shall themselves be entitled to remedy said defect of the provided Services. The User shall not have any right to raise warranty or damage claims.

  1. Prewave is eager to make its Services available to the User as uninterrupted as possible, however, from a technical point of view, a continuous 100% uninterrupted availability of the Services cannot be guaranteed. In particular, maintenance, security or capacity issues, as well as events beyond Prewave’s control (e.g. disruptions to public communication networks, power failures, etc.) may lead to disruptions or temporary suspension of the Prewave Services.

§ 6: Duration of the Contract

  1. The contractual relationship shall run indefinitely, unless otherwise agreed upon. Prewave may terminate the Contract at any time, for any reason, by discontinuing the provision of the Services. Either Party may terminate the Contract at any time for any reason, by sending a written notification (email shall suffice) to the other Party with the effect on the date when a notification declaring the above is sent to the other Party. Notifications to the User will be addressed to an individual acting on behalf of the User, if not indicated otherwise. Notifications to Prewave shall be addressed to

§ 7: Confidentiality

  1. Unless otherwise specified herein, the Parties shall keep the content of the Contract and all related Confidential Information secret, and shall treat Confidential Information received from the Disclosing Party or its Affiliates with the same duty of care as they would treat their own with, at least in accordance with applicable business standards.

  1. The Receiving Party may only use the received Confidential Information for purposes directly related to the Services. The Receiving Party may disclose the received Confidential Information only:

a. with the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party or its Affiliates, as applicable;

b. to its own and its Affiliates’ directors, officers, employees, investors, agents, professional consultants or advisors, on a need-to-know basis, provided that they have been bound by obligations of confidentiality and restricted use substantially equal to those set forth in this Contract prior to the disclosure of Confidential Information;

c. if it is required for the provision of Services by Prewave to said User (e.g. generation of Prewave Alerts, conducting of historical supplier screenings); or

d. as permitted under § 7 (4).

The Receiving Party has no rights to the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information, except the limited right to use such Confidential Information in connection with the Services, especially for but not limited to § 7 (4).

  1. Confidential Information does not include information which:

a. is in or comes into the public domain through means other than by breach of this Contract;

b. was rightfully in the possession of the Receiving Party prior to its disclosure;

c. was received from a bona fide third party which is rightfully in possession of it and not bound by any obligation of confidentiality in respect of it;

d. is independently developed by the Receiving Party outside the purpose of this Contract and without using the Confidential Information; or

e. is required to be disclosed by law, by a court of competent jurisdiction or by another appropriate regulatory body, provided that immediate notification is given, to the extent legally permissible, and that reasonable assistance is provided to protect the Confidential Information from disclosure.

  1. In the course of conducting a Supplier Self Assessment, the User might disclose Confidential Information. This potentially Confidential Information is used by Prewave solely to (i) make the answers available on the Prewave Platform to requesting Customers and/or other Users, and (ii) to integrate the answers to a Supplier Self Assessment into the calculation of the User’s Prewave Score. The answers to the Supplier Self Assessment are provided (i) to the requesting Customer/User initiating the Supplier Self Assessment upon the User’s consent given by conducting the Supplier Self Assessment, and (ii) to any further requesting Customers/Users upon the User’s consent, which shall also be considered as given if the User does not object to Prewave’s notification of a request to share the Supplier Self Assessment within fourteen (14) days from the date of notification. A Prewave Score is visible to all Customers and Users of the Prewave Platform monitoring the concerned User, but the Confidential Information potentially included in the answers to a Supplier Self Assessment is not disclosed as such through the displayed Prewave Score.

  1. At any time, at the written request of any of the Parties, the Receiving Party shall immediately cease the use of the Confidential Information that was disclosed to it by the Disclosing Party and shall return to the Disclosing Party each and every document relating to the Confidential Information in its possession without retaining copies of the same. If the Disclosing Party requests the Receiving Party, in writing, to destroy or delete the documents or materials in its possession, custody or control, the Receiving Party shall do so promptly at its own cost and certify to the other Party that this has been done. The Receiving Party shall not, in connection with the foregoing obligations, be required, to return, destroy or delete Confidential Information held in archive or backup systems in accordance with general systems archiving or backup policies, or in case of any legally prescribed retention periods. For the avoidance of doubt, Prewave shall not be obliged to delete or modify Prewave Scores, that are or were (in a historical view) calculated by using Confidential Information.

  1. The confidentiality obligations set forth herein shall continue to apply after termination of the Contract for a period of five (5) years.

§ 8: Data Protection

  1. The personal data provided by the User (if any) in connection with the contractual relationship, particularly the contact data (i.e. names, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address), are processed by Prewave for the purposes of provision and performance of the contractual services.

  1. Subject to revocation, the individual acting on behalf of the User hereby expressly agrees to receive (via fax, email and/or SMS) messages at any time with information concerning the contractual service, even if these messages contain advertisements from Prewave, in addition to the information concerning the contractual service, pursuant to § 174 (1), (3) Telecommunications Act (TKG 2021).

  1. Prewave shall comply with mandatory data protection laws, as amended, when directly applicable to Prewave. The processing of personal data by Prewave is justified by relevant regulations and specifically regulated in a separate privacy policy. To the extent that Prewave acts as data processor for the User being the data controller within the meaning of the GDPR, a Data Processing Agreement is concluded by accepting these Terms of Service and incorporated herein by reference. In the event of conflicting provisions, the DPA shall prevail.

  1. The following data provided by the User may be deleted (or where feasible at the discretion of Prewave be anonymized) upon the User’s request:

a. any personal data of an individual acting for the User (such as emails, names, etc.);

b. any activity set by an individual acting for the User that is private and not an integral part of the Prewave Platform as a whole (such as private follows or the creation of private collections);

c. any configuration data such as delivery settings and perspectives specific to an individual acting for the User ordered by the User; or

d. any relationships (following and/or connecting) with Sites initiated by an individual acting for the User.

  1. The following data is property of Prewave and may not be deleted on request:

a. Prewave Site Directory;

b. Prewave Alerts and other datapoints generated by Prewave; and

c. any activity of an individual acting for the User that is public on the Prewave Platform and/or is an integral part of the Prewave Platform as a whole (e.g. public comments, publicly shared collections, etc.). If such activities contain personal data, the data subject can nonetheless exercise its rights.

  1. Unless agreed otherwise, any Site information provided by the User to Prewave may be used to add, improve or expand the Prewave Site Directory, without allowing direct recourse to the User. This does not apply to contact details, impact, spend data or related information that is only visible to the User; the aforementioned information is deleted upon the User’s request.

§ 9: Place of Performance, Jurisdiction, Applicable Law

    1. The Terms of Service are subject to Austrian law excluding its conflict of law provisions and the provisions of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Good (CISG).

    1. The place of performance shall be Vienna, Austria, and all disputes, differences of opinion and claims arising under the contractual relationship and/or these Terms of Service or relating to these Terms of Service, their violation, dissolution or invalidity shall exclusively be filed with a court with subject matter jurisdiction at the place where Prewave has its registered office.

§ 10: Final Provisions

    1. The Parties commit to adhere to all laws and regulations as may be applicable to them during the term of the contractual relationship, including to:

a. Environmental Responsibility: Commit to environmentally responsible practices in all business activities. Collaborate on initiatives that reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability.

b. Sanctions Compliance: Each Party represents and warrants to the other Party that it is not: 

i. subject to asset freeze sanctions (as e.g. published and maintained by the U.S., UK, UN, EU, or any jurisdiction which is a member of the European Economic Area, or Switzerland) nor is it owned or controlled by any such person(s) whether individually or collectively;

ii. the type of person captured within the scope of other economic or financial sanctions which prohibit the provision or use of Services under this Contract nor is it owned or controlled by any such person(s) whether individually or collectively; or

iii. organized, headquartered or established in a country or territory subject to comprehensive geographic sanctions or owned or controlled by any such person(s).

Additionally, the User warrants that (a) it will not supply, or make available (whether directly or indirectly), the Prewave Services to any person who meets the criteria set forth in (i), (ii) or (iii), or use them for the benefit of, or for any transaction involving, any person who meets the criteria set forth in (i), (ii) or (iii) (hereinafter, collectively “Prohibited Entities”), (b) it shall not supply to Prewave any data related to any Prohibited Entity, and (c) it shall not supply, or make available (whether directly or indirectly), the Prewave Services to any person organized, headquartered or established in a country or territory where the provision of such services would be prohibited.

For the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing prohibitions apply notwithstanding any terms in any agreement or other writing, whether expressed or implied. Each Party agrees that it will notify the other Party if it learns that any representation made herein is no longer accurate. If the User is in breach of this provision, or if Prewave determines that it is prohibited under any applicable law or regulation from providing Services under this Contract, in addition to any other rights or remedies it may have, Prewave may immediately terminate the Contract.

c. Legal Compliance: Operate in strict accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Avoid any engagement in activities that breach legal requirements. The User assures Prewave its authorization to use the Prewave Services and its compliance with all applicable import regulations. The User is obliged to be informed about the applicable import regulations and to ensure that all requirements are met. If necessary, the User must obtain the required approvals in good time.

d. Protection and Adherence to Human Rights: Ensure the protection and promotion of human rights in all business operations. Uphold the principles of equality, non-discrimination, and fair labour practices.

2. These Terms of Service contain the entire agreement between the Parties about its subject matter and any concluded previous understanding, agreement, representation or warranty, verbal or written, relating to that subject matter is replaced thereby and has no further effect.


3. Prewave reserves the right, at any time, to unilaterally modify these Terms of Service, subject to the User’s right to terminate the Contract within fourteen (14) days after notification of such modification, failing which the modification shall take effect upon expiry of this period. The User will be informed of any such changes through any adequate means. Amendments or supplements to these Terms of Service mutually agreed upon by the Parties must be in writing to be valid. This also applies to any deviation from the written form hereby agreed upon, so that there can be no presumption of tacit deviation from this requirement for validity.


4. If individual provisions of these Terms of Service are or become invalid or unenforceable or the Terms of Service are deemed as incomplete, the other provisions of these Terms of Service shall be unaffected and shall remain valid and enforceable. Invalid or unenforceable provisions shall be interpreted and amended, by mutual consent, with valid and enforceable provisions that come closest to the intended economic outcome of the Parties.

Terms of Service – Free Basic Account

Prewave GmbH, April 2024 (V 1)

Terms of Service

General Terms and Conditions of Prewave GmbH

§ 1: Applicability of Terms and Conditions

1. These Terms and Conditions shall apply to all business relations between Prewave GmbH (hereinafter “Prewave”), and its customers (hereinafter “customer”; Prewave and customer hereinafter collectively also “Parties” or individually “Party”) regarding the provision of services by Prewave, including, but not limited to, the delivery of “Prewave Alerts”, which are data signals about potential past, present or future risk events, classified in different categories (labor unrest, industrial accidents, etc.) and occurring at certain targets (e.g. companies, Points-of-Interest, etc.) and/or certain regions.

2. Alternative, contrary, or supplementary terms and conditions of the customer (irrespective of form) shall only become applicable to the contractual relationship between Prewave and the customer if and to the extent that Prewave expressly consents to their application in writing. References to such terms and conditions of the customer within any purchase order are expressly rejected and shall not take effect. 

3. In the event of conflicting provisions between these Terms and Conditions and other documents forming the final Contract, the order of precedence shall apply in descending order as:

• The Proposal

• These Terms and Conditions

• Data Processing Agreement (and Technical and Organisational Measures)

• Non-Disclosure Agreement

• Service Level Agreement

4. Prewave offers its customers access to its shared and cloud-hosted software-as-a-service (“SaaS”) platform and/or its data- as-a-service (“DaaS”) Prewave API. Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the Proposal, Prewave does not develop or adapt software specifically for its customers, therefore this contractual relationship does not constitute a contract for services (“Werkvertrag”).

§ 2: Services by Prewave

1. The scope of services is set forth in the Proposal.

2. The customer shall provide Prewave in a timely manner with a complete and accurate list of Suppliers and/or targets that customers wishes to monitor using the Prewave services.

3. Unless agreed otherwise in the Proposal, the customer shall access the Prewave services via the delivery formats outlined in the Proposal.

4. In case of access via the Prewave API, the customer is responsible for establishing a data connection between the intended workplace/system and the Prewave API at its own cost and expense. Prewave is entitled to redefine its API at any time if this is required to provide smooth access to the services. In this event, the customer shall establish a connection with the redefined API. The customer shall receive an access token to the API or login credentials to the Platform (Dashboard). The customer shall only disclose the access token to authorized persons on a need-to-know- basis (e.g. own employees) but shall otherwise keep it strictly confidential and refrain from disclosing the same to any third party.

5. In case of access via the Prewave Platform (Dashboard), the customer shall receive login credentials for each user. Each user is issued to one single authorized person and shall not be used by any other persons or shared among a group of persons. The customer shall only disclose the user login credentials to authorized persons on a need-to-know- basis (e.g. own employees) but shall otherwise keep it strictly confidential and refrain from disclosing the same to any third party.

6. If Prewave determines that the customer or an affiliate, as applicable, are not in compliance with these Terms and Conditions, the customer shall immediately remedy such non-compliance, failure to do so can result, inter alia, in the immediate termination of the contractual relationship for cause and claims in damages.

7. The customer expressly agrees that any access tokens or login credentials, are provided exclusively for the customer’s undertaking and that the customer is not permitted to transfer or disclose the access token and/or the Prewave Alerts and datapoints to any third party.

8. The customer`s access to the Prewave API or Platform shall be subject to fair use. In case the customer’s access to the Prewave API leads to an overload, Prewave reserves the right to technically restrict the customer’s access to its API to one (1) access every ten (10) minutes on a temporary or permanent basis. The customer is not entitled to any claims against Prewave on the basis of such measures.

9. Prewave itself is wholly reliant on data from third parties to provide its services. Prewave therefore must reserve the right to limit or discontinue its services in case the provision of data from its sources is interrupted or limited for any reason. If the interruption constitutes a significant restriction of Prewave services for more than 30 consecutive days, the customer has the right to terminate this Contract for good cause. Otherwise such measures shall not constitute a breach or non-performance of the contractual relationship on part of Prewave.

10. Prewave is not limited in the selection of third parties to be used as a source for the creation of Prewave Alerts and/or other datapoints, nor in the engagement of additional third parties to expand and continuously improve its services.

11. Prewave Alerts and other datapoints may contain snippets, such as links, texts or pictures/photographs, that might be subject to protection under intellectual property laws (in particular, copyright) for the benefit of third parties. The services provided by Prewave consist of the aggregation and the analysis of external data sources and explicitly not in the sale of licenses in the original data. Prewave is permitted to include such material in the Prewave Alerts and/or on the Prewave Platform, however, the customer acknowledges, that Prewave is not permitted to grant any licenses for redistribution, storage, reproduction, delivery to any third parties (including customers), or further publication of the delivered links, pictures/photographs, texts or snippets and the like contained in Prewave Alerts and other datapoints. Therefore, the customer is obliged to verify whether it needs further licenses for extended use (outside of the Prewave Platform) and to acquire such licenses directly from the right-holder, if deemed necessary. Customer will indemnify and hold Prewave harmless in respect of any claim in connection therewith. 

12. In the event that a holder of a right directly requires Prewave to alter any Prewave Alerts or datapoints or implement any changes in the structure or data format, Prewave is free to implement such changes or remove such materials from all results lists (“notice and take-down”). The customer is not entitled to any claims against Prewave on the basis of such measures.

13. Prewave shall have the right to modify or adapt the services if this is necessary or expedient to reflect technical progress and it does not restrict the services for the customer provided by Prewave.

§ 3: Fees

1. The fees as set forth in the Proposal apply. Prewave’s claims shall be due and payable in full without any deductions within thirty (30) days of issuing the invoice. The statutory applicable VAT and any other applicable taxes and levies must be added to all fees. In case of default, late payment fees apply in the amount of twelve (12) % p.a. In addition thereto, customer shall be liable for any default charges and expenses incurred in connection with the customer’s delay.

2. Where Prewave and customer agree on a payment plan, whereupon the fee shall be payable in regular installments, it is hereby agreed that default of the customer with one single installment will result in the entire outstanding amount becoming due and payable immediately without further notice. 

3. The agreed fees and prices are subject to indexing based on the 2015 Consumer Price Index (CPI) published by Statistics Austria, or an index replacing the CPI. The index number published in the month where the contractual relationship between Prewave and the customer was entered into shall serve as base value.

4. A set-off of alleged counterclaims of the customer against the claims of Prewave is excluded.

§ 4: Right of use

1. Prewave grants the customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-licensable right to use the provided services (Prewave Alerts and other datapoints), which shall be limited in the following ways:

a. temporally limited to the duration of the contractual relationship,

b. substantively limited to the targets and/or regions/territories specified in the Proposal,

c. limited to the respective legal entity specified in the Proposal,

d. limited to the IT software/systems specified in the Proposal and

e. substantively limited to the purpose of this contractual relationship.


2. Any additional uses beyond the aforementioned limitations shall not be permitted without the prior written consent of Prewave (which Prewave is free to withhold), in particular:

a. the transfer to third parties of the rights of use that have been granted and/or the access token for the Prewave API,

b. any change, adaptation and/or publication or disclosure of Prewave Alerts or other datapoints, in whole or in part, to any third party,

c. the disclosure of performance metrics and benchmarking results regarding Prewave Alerts or other datapoints to any third party.

3. The service contains elements and content which do or may enjoy protection (pursuant to e.g. Copyright and Allied Copyright Law, Trademark Law, Patent / Utility Model Law, Design Law, Competition Law or other laws) for the benefit of Prewave, co-operation partners of Prewave or third party data providers. Prewave, its co-operation partners and third party data providers expressly reserve(s) any and all rights in and to the same. Any use of these elements and content (or parts thereof), extending beyond what is necessary for using the services (including Prewave Alerts) by the customer under normal circumstances, is inadmissible without the prior written consent of Prewave. This applies in particular, but without limitation, to the software, names, characters, trademarks and other marks/signs, content, layout, design and interface of the website of Prewave, databases, videos, photographs, texts and graphics.

4. If the customer violates the rights of use granted herein, Prewave shall have the right to terminate this Contract immediately for cause without prior notice. In addition, Prewave reserves the right to take judicial and non-judicial action for damages incurred by any violation of the rights of use granted herein.

§ 5: Liability and Warranty

1. This Contract does not establish rights of any kind in favor of end-customers of the customer, or third parties. If such persons raise claims against Prewave in connection with the services pursuant to the contractual relationship between Prewave and the customer, on whatever legal ground, the customer shall indemnify Prewave and hold it harmless against such claims.

2. Prewave provides its services based on automated processing of external third-party data sources, the quality and validity of which are outside of Prewave’s control. In addition, the algorithms and prediction models Prewave uses to generate Prewave Alerts and other datapoints are non-deterministic and probabilistic by design. For these reasons, deviations from actual events cannot be avoided. 

3. Accordingly, Prewave makes no warranty, accepts no responsibility and assumes no liability for (i) a particular characteristic, suitability, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the services; (ii) incomplete, incorrect, outdated or erroneous data being the basis of or incorporated into Prewave Alerts and/or on the Platform; (iii) the validity, completeness or accuracy of Prewave Alerts and other datapoints; (iv) uninterrupted or error-free availability and accessibility of Prewave Alerts or the services (insofar as the availability under the Service Level Agreement is provided); (v) transmission-, hardware-, software- or network-errors; (vi) lost, damaged, incomplete, corrupted or delayed transmission of data; (vii) disruptions, impairments of the data transmission between third party sources and Prewave or Prewave and the customer or any technical difficulties or maintenance; (viii) the lawfulness or the freedom of the data or Prewave Alerts from third-party-rights; (ix) the secure / risk-free access or retrieval of the website any link contained in the Prewave Alerts or other datapoints is leading to.

4. In general, the customer recognizes the uncertainties inherent in any analysis or information that may be provided as part of the services and acknowledges that the services are not a substitute for its own independent evaluation and analysis and should not be considered as professional advisory services or recommendations to pursue a specific course of action. Prewave shall not be liable for any actions or decisions that customer may or may not take based on the services or any information or data contained therein. Prewave does not warrant or accept any liability for the completeness or accuracy of the checklists and questionnaires provided on or as part of the services (if applicable). Customer understands that it assumes the entire risk with respect to the use of the services

5. If customer uploads documents and/or data to the Prewave Platform, the customer warrants that (i) it has the necessary rights to upload said documents and/or data and (ii) it is entitled to reproduce the documents and/or data and (if applicable) to make them available to the public pursuant to copyright and other applicable laws. Customer indemnifies and holds Prewave harmless for any claims in connection therewith.


6. Prewave shall be statutorily liable for losses only in case wrongful intent or gross negligence is proven. Where liability is not validly excluded within this Contract and, unless and to the extent that mandatory law provides otherwise, all claims and causes for actions against Prewave for losses caused by slightly negligent behavior during the term of the contractual relationship shall – cumulatively – be limited (i) in case of flat fee agreements to fifty (50) % of the amount of the agreed fees and (ii) in case of agreements with recurring charges/payments, limited to the amount actually paid by the customer for the services provided by Prewave during the six (6) months preceding the occurrence of the first claim or cause of action with a local currency equivalent of Euro 10,000 (in words: Euro ten thousand), whichever is less.

7. If and to the extent legally permissible, there shall be no compensation for (direct or indirect) consequential damages, loss of data, savings not realized, lost interest and expenditures made in vain and lost profit.


8. The customer shall be responsible for its affiliates’ compliance with the terms and conditions of this Contract.

9. The customer shall give Prewave prompt notice of any disruption or defect of the provided services in writing or by e-mail, no later than seven (7) calendar days upon the customer becoming aware thereof. If not asserted within the time-limit given, the customer shall be deemed to have forfeit its right to raise warranty or damage claims.



10. Prewave shall remedy the notified defects within a reasonable period of time (at least fourteen (14) working days). After unsuccessful expiry of the reasonable period, the customer may request a price reduction and, if it is not a minor defect, extraordinarily terminate the contractual relationship. Neither the customer nor a third-party commissioned by the customer shall themselves be entitled to remedy said defect of the provided services. Furthermore, even if the defect already existed at the time of the conclusion of the Contract, the customer is entitled to claim damages only if Prewave is at fault and within the scope of the contractually agreed limitation of liability. 



11. The customer’s claim to any reduction of the remuneration as a result of an unremedied defect affecting the services shall be excluded/void if the defect simultaneously affects the agreed Service Levels (availability). In this case, the remedy established as part of the Service Level Agreement shall be applicable. 


12. Prewave shall be released from the obligation to provide services under this Contract if and to the extent that the non- performance of services is due to the occurrence of any circumstances of force majeure (an event of “force majeure” shall have the meaning of events beyond the reasonable control of Prewave, which prevents Prewave to (timely) perform its contractual obligations and shall include, but not be limited to, Acts of State, war, insurrection, riot, civil disorder, strike, labour unrest, embargo, blockade, explosion, fire, earthquake, volcanic eruption or other severe adverse environmental disasters or weather conditions or other Acts of God). Either Party shall notify the other Party of the occurrence of a case of force majeure in written form without delay.

§ 6: Duration of the Contract

1. The term (= commitment period) of the contractual relationship is stated in the Proposal.

2. Unless agreed otherwise in the Proposal, the contractual relationship shall be renewed automatically for an additional twelve (12) months unless one of the Parties gives the other Party written notice of termination at least three (3) months prior to the expiration of the original term.

3. Either Party shall have the right to terminate the contractual relationship for cause with immediate effect, if and to the extent such cause makes further collaboration seem unreasonable.

§ 7: Data Protection

1. The personal data provided by the customer (if any) in connection with the contractual relationship, particularly the contact data (i.e. names, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address), are processed by Prewave for the purposes of provision and performance of the contractual services, pursuant to Art 6 (1) lit. b General Data-Protection-Regulation (GDPR REG (EU) 2016/679).

2. Subject to revocation, the customer hereby expressly agrees to receive (via fax, e-mail and/or SMS) messages at any time with information concerning the contractual service, even if these messages contain advertisements from Prewave, in addition to the information concerning the contractual service, pursuant to section 174 (1), (3) Telecommunications Act (TKG 2021).

3. Prewave shall comply with mandatory data protection laws, as amended, when directly applicable to Prewave. The processing of personal data by Prewave is justified by relevant regulations and specifically regulated in separate data processing agreements.

4. The following data provided by the customer may be deleted upon the customer’s request:

• any user information or personal data such as (Emails, Usernames, Names, etc.) specific to a user of the customer;

• any user activity that is private and not an integral part of the Prewave Platform as a whole (such as private follows or the creation of private collections) specific to a customers’ user;

• any configuration data such as a user’s delivery settings and perspectives specific to a User ordered by the customer;

• any relationships (following and/or connecting) with Suppliers and other Targets initiated by a customer’s user.

5. The following data is property of Prewave and may not be deleted on request:

• any part of the Prewave Supplier and Target Directory (Suppliers, Transportation Hubs, etc.);

• Prewave Alerts and other datapoints generated by Prewave;

• any user activity that is public on the Prewave Platform and/or is an integral part of the Prewave Platform as a whole (e.g. public comments, publicly shared collections, etc.).

6. Unless agreed otherwise in the Proposal, any Supplier and other target information provided by the customer to Prewave may be used to add, improve or expand the Prewave Supplier and Target Directory.

7. Supplier and other target relationships of the customer are not disclosed to any third parties (on the Prewave Platform or otherwise) unless it is required for the provision of services by Prewave to said customer (e.g. generation of Prewave Alerts, conducting of Historical Supplier Screenings) or expressly agreed to by the customer.

§ 8: Place of Performance, Jurisdiction, Applicable Law

1. The Terms and Conditions are subject to Austrian law excluding its conflict-of-law provisions and the provisions of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Good (CISG).

2. The place of performance shall be Vienna (Austria), and all disputes, differences of opinion and claims arising under the contractual relationship and/or these Terms and Conditions or relating to these Terms and Conditions, their violation, dissolution or invalidity shall exclusively be filed with a court with subject matter jurisdiction at the place where Prewave has its registered office.

§ 9: Final Provisions

1. The entire content of the Contract is confidential for both contracting Parties. The Parties shall procure that its employees/contractors, advisors and/or other third parties acting for the respective Party will be bound by this confidentiality obligation.

2. Prewave is entitled to make reference to the customer and its logo, whether namely, in writing or electronically, unless expressly revoked by the customer in writing.

3. These Terms and Conditions (including the Proposal and its other appendices) contain the entire agreement between the Parties about its subject matter and any concluded previous understanding, agreement, representation or warranty, verbal or written, relating to that subject matter is replaced thereby and has no further effect.

4. Amendments or supplements must be in writing to be valid. This also applies to any deviation from the written form hereby agreed-upon, so that there can be no presumption of tacit deviation from this requirement for validity.

5. If individual provisions of these Terms and Conditions are or become invalid or unenforceable or the Terms and Conditions are deemed as incomplete, the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall be unaffected and shall remain valid and enforceable. Invalid or unenforceable provisions shall be interpreted and amended, by mutual consent, with valid and enforceable provisions that come closest to the intended economic outcome of the Parties.

6. Prewave reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions from time to time, make the then valid version available and inform its customers thereof. The contractual relationship thereafter will be subject to the modified Terms and Conditions unless agreed otherwise between the Parties.