Coming soon: Supply Chain Superintelligence. Find out more.


Find out what motivates Prewave to be the experts in  transparency, resilience, and sustainability in supply chains.


The last two decades have seen a powerful shift towards ‘conscious businesses’. While most companies around the world are attempting to place sustainability (financial, environmental and human rights-related) at the top of their list of priorities, the majority fail. 

Finding the source of non-sustainable practices is a struggle with seemingly unbreakable barriers, leaving many with no choice but to stick to practices that ensure only the easiest minimum level is fulfilled.


In November of this year, McKensey & Company presented a study based on data gathered between 2020 and 2021 on how the Covid-19 pandemic affected businesses and their supply chain management. It caught our attention that an outstanding 98% of those companies surveyed had admitted to not having any visibility, communication, nor control past their second tier of suppliers.

This reflects the sad reality that even in highly interconnected circumstances, we still struggle with basic levels of communication. Even the greatest efforts to rectify this would be in vain if the change can’t be implemented on every single level of the production base.

AVAILABLE APPROACHES & their shortages


Existing approaches to risk monitoring along the supply chain are either based on desk audits or self-assessments. Both of these methods are heavy on resource expenditure: they can take up to 2 years to come up with the relevant results, and many cost a fortune if done well.

Inaccurate results
Not a small detail, the results of these reports tend to be biased, outdated, or not accurate enough. An industrial accident being reported two years later by the person who was in charge at the moment of its occurrence is past its relevant timing and probably simplified by its reporter to protect their reputation. 
Blockers & missed opportunities
Another big issue with these approaches are the barriers of distance and language. Most situations of civil or labor unrest are reported worldwide with some sort of delay or not even reported at all. A national newspaper in Netherlands might not find it relevant to buy and report news from a faraway country such as Singapore, yet a fire at a Singaporean factory could affect a Dutch firm directly. 

the Prewave method

Time and cost advantages
Prewave tackles these key deficiencies and many more by applying AI-powered technologies to the management of supply chains in their entirety. Prewave supplier monitoring keeps track of every part of the supply chain across a vast array of countries and languages, so that no risk events ever go unnoticed. Our solutions are not only 50% cheaper than the aforementioned approaches, but they also offer 10 times faster onboarding processes, guaranteeing your company can be set up and start using our system in as little as 2 weeks.
Transparency and control
Our multi-tier transparency feature offers full visibility throughout all your supplier base. Going beyond your direct suppliers and as far as your raw materials means no more delays on risk detection. Gain back control over your whole operation: take charge of deciding who represents your company and its values to the rest of the world.
The future of risk management

 Receiving real-time alerts helps your company stay on top of what goes on at every level, and to stay one step ahead of your competitors. Tackle risks at their source before they even get the chance to escalate and simultaneously generate invaluable competitive advantages.

Instantaneous risk-mitigation
Monitor every one of your suppliers, assess their capabilities, capacities, and adherence to your standards: make assertive managerial decisions based on substantial, unbiased, and reliable data. You can even monitor commodities and be aware of what goes on in each product group to take informed preventive actions. Commodity crises like the semiconductor shortage would have been picked up on instantly by our market monitoring solution, giving you the time advantage you need to prepare your business and minimize negative impacts.

We did it first

We are delighted to be pioneers of this new technology. We strongly believe that this is a new era for supply chain management, and we are happy to be part of the movement towards a better, more sustainable planet. 

Since the beginning, back when Prewave was a mere idea emerging at TU Vienna University of Technology, the motivation was to make the world a better place. We are able to help companies gain control over their practices and propagate their sustainability measures throughout their entire supplier base for a better future. 



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