ESG Reporting: Transparency in Corporate Responsibility

ESG Reporting: Showcasing Corporate Responsibility through transparent practices.

ESG standards are here to stay—making ESG reporting a crucial tool for organisations seeking to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices. In this blog post, we take a deep-dive into the what, why, and how of ESG reporting. 

Unmasking Exploitation: Forced Labor’s Grip on the Global Supply Chain

Unmasking Exploitation: Forced Labor’s Grip on the Global Supply Chain

Delve into the shadows of the global supply chain with our latest blog post, ‘Unmasking Exploitation: Forced Labor’s Grip on the Global Supply Chain.’ As we unravel the intricate web of forced labor, from its roots to its far-reaching consequences, join us on a journey to understand the complex challenges faced by countless individuals worldwide.

Supply Chain Sustainability in 2023

This article will examine the main issues preventing supply chain sustainability in 2023, and provide actionable insights for a more sustainable future.

Global Supply Chain Due Diligence Laws

Due to increased pressure from investors and consumers, as well as a very unstable global market, the past few years have seen a broader adoption of ESG transparency policies—including supply chain due diligence.

The Supplier Code of Conduct: Is It Still Enough?

Creating and implementing a code of conduct enables companies to prevent some supply chain risks and safeguard their reputation. It can even translate into a competitive advantage when scouting for a proper supplier.