The Ultimate Guide to Supply Chain Resilience

Traditionally viewed as a cost centre, the supply chain has since become essential to business operations, efficiency, and long-term profitability—which means that anything that might disrupt the supply chain is a direct threat to the business as a whole, making supply chain resilience all the more important.

The German Supply Chain Act Check-List

Are you already prepared for the German Supply Chain Act? Make the quick check with our Lieferkettengesetz Check-List. Or would you like to find out more about the law and how to prepare for it then download our whitepaper:

The German Supply Chain Act Checklist

Are you prepared for the German Supply Chain Act? Find out now, with our Lieferkettengesetz Checklist!

To learn more about the law and how to prepare for it, download our exclusive whitepaper:

Prewave supports Yanfeng to enhance supply chain transparency

Vienna – 7th June 2021.  Artificial Intelligence startup Prewave has announced it is collaborating with Yanfeng, a leading global automotive supplier, to bring more transparency and sustainability to the company’s global supply chain. The Vienna-based startup’s technology enables Yanfeng to proactively identify sustainability risks along its entire supply chain such as pollution, corruption or human rights violations in real-time. In addition, Yanfeng takes measures to actively work together with their suppliers and sub-suppliers in order to achieve a significant leap in supply chain transparency, particularly around critical raw materials used in the production processes. This announcement comes well in advance of upcoming supply chain due diligence regulation in Germany and the European Union, demonstrating Yanfeng’s leadership role in the area. Prewave is capable of monitoring all publicly available information

Das Lieferkettengesetz Whitepaper

Ab 2023 tritt das aktuell diskutierte Lieferketten Gesetz in Kraft, welches die Haftung von Unternehmen bei Verstößen gegen die Menschenrechte in Ihrer Lieferkette festhält. Das Lieferkettengesetz verpflichtet Unternehmen zur Einhaltung der Menschenrechte, nicht nur im eigenen Unternehmen, sondern auch in der weiteren Lieferkette. Finden Sie heraus worum es beim Lieferkettengesetz genau geht, und wie Sie […]